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Monday, May 11, 2009

♥ confused....

What do i do??.......

I'm caught in this whole situation where i have to choose from people...
I hate this... i hate it when im become the center of attention in a situation...
I wanna be invisable..

People are telling me to "go for it" " give it a try"
and stuff like " what about this person"
BUT what about me~!! I'm so confused... Why is it me???

X-->> wants another try
Y--> wants a try
Z--> wants a try

and as for me.... *im out of here*
ahhh sigh..
by the way this blog isnt meant for anyone to understand... so yeah___ dont try understanding~ ><

hdeayran tee hee~~ secret code~ 4 members only XP

p.s According to somebody "everyone are bitches its just that some people are less bitchy and some are" pfft~~~ lol

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
2:31 AM
0 commented

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hey congrats to Emma and Will on their first month~ hmf u didnt tell me~!!!
and to those who have already past their first months..


1st period: PDHPE ----> we played netball today
sooo funny. Nobody in our team knew how to play netball and were like noobs and all but like we played really well~ (mostly thanks to Jeremy and Greg) Was suprisingly fun.. always thought netball was gay and boring but its actually an intense sport~ (mix teams)

2nd period: Commerce
nothing much... just listened to mr R ramble on about stuff... too hard to understand. I get lost most of the time, if i try concentrate and focus on what the class is discussing..

3rd period: Geography
Boring as usual~ arghhh i have to complain about Ms Seymour~ fkn seymour gives the class like heeps of work to do.. and then like 10 minutes later she goes "okay we're going to mark the questions now." She has like work written up from the top of the whiteboard... all the way to the bottom. No joke she srsly gives the class like 2 days of work... AND she never gives us the time to catch up if we didnt get to finish the impossible work amount shes given.

Grade Sport: Girls Touch
The coach/ teacher made us do yoga for like 20 minutes before paying touch. >.<
Well it wasnt exactly yoga but she made us do wierd stretching exercises. After that they made us do warm up which nobody did. ^^
I forgot to wear my ankle support which meant im not allowed to play sport but i did anyway cause i didnt want to miss out on touch... but now my ankle hurts like hell (ㅠ.ㅠ)

The bus was so packed todai~ and like was kind of crampy.

wow i rambled a lot~ haha oh well...

LOL and lizz i read your blog~ so funny getting bashed up by grace :)

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
11:23 PM
0 commented

Monday, May 4, 2009

♥ Back Again~

I hadn't updated my blog for a while mostly because i was busy during the trip korea~
I have finally changed and updated my layouts~ yay~ hehe took hours (not exaggerating.. technology doesnt work with me)

I cant get the tabs to show up though... :(
the comment dont show up either..
so i put the chat box thingo up~ just incase

anyways ill try to update my blog more often~

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
7:28 AM
0 commented

Friday, April 3, 2009

♥ Panda eyes

AHHHHH i have panda eyes. ugh~~ right now i have the most wierdest eyes. They are puffy and baggy and tired.

For this whole week i have slept 3am each night doing assignments (cough cough) So tired.. i blame a certain someone for keeping me up so late each night.

Right now i'm in a bad condition
ughn my stomach feels acidic .. for some reason i havent been able to eat.. strangely enough.

Im like panda eyes + sick stomach + lack of sleep causing dizzyness.

Oh yeah im a wanderer now~ i feel kind of free and i think that i have been causing less conflict
I hope that what im doing now is the right thing to do.
Thank you my happy pills *anna* for always cheering me up~~ ily
From now on im going to put on a smile each day even if its fake so that i wont affect the people around me with my depressed self ><

Oh yeah thank you to "D" for teesing me about the holar heating water system. It was meant to be solar heating water system but i was so nervous during the speech that i said "holar heating water system" instead.. >< (*turns red* how embarrasing)

arghh i dont want to see friends tomorrow because of the embarrasing incident with Samuel last saturady. For those of you who know... its the maria + samuel = fallen over on the hill incident.

oO yeah wendy~ gnaww dont cry .. if u wanted chocolate you could have just asked me~
Ill bring heeps for you on monday~ hehehe
oh yeah daran o.O what are u up to? we haven't talked face to face in a while.

I'm such a babo *stupid* cause cause i stayed up till 3 with donny doing my engineering assignment.. and then todai at school i forgot to hand it in...... sigh* can i get more stupid than that...

Oh yeah i heard ____ play piano today~
it was sooooo good
michael learn to play apologize fully this time~!! lol jokes
i will practice piano too to play a song

i blabbered a lot todai hee hee *i'm high*

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
5:48 AM
3 commented

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


HI Daran i mentioned you~~ LOL

hi lizz

hi emma

hi gavin

*ppl so far who have been here*

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
2:50 AM
3 commented

♥ Blissed Lover ;

    Maria (:
    28 Aug'94

♥ Pretty Moments

♥ Thank you

♥ Past rawr-ing